hehooo (; this is me --
nadd, cousin is
'lame-o-whatever-slash-cawe' aka najmah. HAHA samat ari raya kaa *wink wink. najmah teramat lah malas kan meng-update blognya, so she asked me to do so. since im in my 'kind-yet-not-so-kind' mood, aku mau lah. haha. right, as requested... she'll update her blog as soon as her
'eh-lawa-aku-atu-eh' mood ilang. HAHA.
i think i'll start from the first of october/malam raya. we lost our beloved tua, allahyarham ustaz zainuddin.
al-fatihah. it was ..unexpected. pasal... ntah. unexpected lah. then we went to the hospital, then ke rumah tua, betahlil... went back home around 1am. the next morning,
RAYA ;D well, it wasnt as we expected it to happen. makan tengahari arah tua, then ladadididaaa~ took some pictures.. and so on so on.

skip that. makan makan 7 hari on the 9th. then again, we took pictures (; hee.

and so... atu saja. HAHA najmah cakap, 'asal saja be-update'. so kira updated lah sudah ne. kan kan? hehoo.
selamat hari raya to everyone. to you, auu kau wah yg membaca ah. HAHA maaf zahir dan batin. from the bottom of my heart, to the top of my heart. nyehee. take care (;