Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Helew people...i'm so bored here...very2 bored..nuthin to do..lazy to jalaning..so far...far2 away...haha...the surrounding here so boring!!haha..but ok jua lh nda jua telmpau boring...siuk jua lh..nda lonely...many2 friendz...tomorrow is the beginning of the new semester....second semester....mybe esk alum gi belajar ne...bru keluar jadual tdi...bored!bored!wawa..PEACE BEBEH!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tdi me,wahidatun,nabilah n her bro lyt movie topic thunder..it was a funny movie but i feel so sleepy tyme d wyg ah..haha..pi cali bh ceritanya..siuk jua lh ceritanya pi the person sit next to me makes a very annoying sound...rasa kn ku teriaki ckp can u please shut ur ugly mouth..haha..lbihh wh aku ah...kmi lyt d klcc...kali kmi k kl sentral...tyme kmi kn blek so many people...kali mlz kmi dlu blek sal ramai bnar ah..chill th kmi d kl sentral kali nda kmi tau dmana kn chill...jln2 cri tmpt kn chilling menyiling semuanya ramai urg...kali ahernya d medan selera...boring kmi nada arh tujuan...wawa...PEACE BEBEH!
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ka dk bwa kmi swimming @ the empire hari atu arh indoor swimming pool...swimming poolnya lupa gmbr..wawa...wlaupun ku tak pndai swimming pi ikut jua ku msuk dlm air bediri sja siring2..boreng plng tu bediri gnya ah..haha....terlmpau dlm airnya iatah nda ku pndai practice swimming pool yg dlm...syiiioookk tpinya...aku,ka dk,dks n gem yg swimming...lps atu kmi chilling,menyilling,geziling..haha..WHAT!...PEACE BEBEH!
Just arrived last nite in malaysia...tdi register for semester 2...i got my exam result arleady...i got 3.68 pointer....English,Account and Arabic-A....Malaysian study n Muamalah-B...yipee..nuthin to do @ the hostel...kn jln mlz ku...mau plng jln sal nada kn d buat sini ah tpi mlz ku kn jln jauh ah...wawa....kelmarin tyme d aiport aku nangis..haha....tidak ku dpt menahan air mata ku..haha...c dks nangis jua..spa kh lgi nangis...sedih bngat d aiport...nda ku mau lyt muka drg sal krg nangis ku lgi..d aeroplane nangis ku jua...wawa..kuat guyangnya aeroplane ah kn muntah ku...sedia udh ku dgn beg muntah ah..haha..mish you all..PEACE BEBEH!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lama dh ku inda update my blog...wawa...so lazy to update my blog..haha...boreng org udh bca blog ku sal balum beupdate...nah ane aku update dh..sikit2 ku update..haha..hehe..NOT!...peace bebeh!....tomorrow i will be going back to malaysia..so sad..i don't want to go...wawa...bubye Brunei..c u all soon....tdi wateva gurlz n baby sal chill d MCD seblum ku blek..then kmi begmbar arh arcade arh photo boothnya...then kmi k cominise kdai setan..haha...lps atu jln sma my dad buka maybank account...i have maybank card sudah...wawa..peace bebeh!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
updated (;
hehooo (; this is me -- nadd, cousin is 'lame-o-whatever-slash-cawe' aka najmah. HAHA samat ari raya kaa *wink wink. najmah teramat lah malas kan meng-update blognya, so she asked me to do so. since im in my 'kind-yet-not-so-kind' mood, aku mau lah. haha. right, as requested... she'll update her blog as soon as her 'eh-lawa-aku-atu-eh' mood ilang. HAHA.
i think i'll start from the first of october/malam raya. we lost our beloved tua, allahyarham ustaz zainuddin. al-fatihah. it was ..unexpected. pasal... ntah. unexpected lah. then we went to the hospital, then ke rumah tua, betahlil... went back home around 1am. the next morning, RAYA ;D well, it wasnt as we expected it to happen. makan tengahari arah tua, then ladadididaaa~ took some pictures.. and so on so on.

skip that. makan makan 7 hari on the 9th. then again, we took pictures (; hee.
i think i'll start from the first of october/malam raya. we lost our beloved tua, allahyarham ustaz zainuddin. al-fatihah. it was ..unexpected. pasal... ntah. unexpected lah. then we went to the hospital, then ke rumah tua, betahlil... went back home around 1am. the next morning, RAYA ;D well, it wasnt as we expected it to happen. makan tengahari arah tua, then ladadididaaa~ took some pictures.. and so on so on.

skip that. makan makan 7 hari on the 9th. then again, we took pictures (; hee.
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