This is our class pix but there r missing students who are lazy to come...probably there r still sleeping..especially the boyz..well obviously always the boyz who don't like to take pix...haha....lyke they say boyz are 'janji melayu'...they say they would come but see what happen....not a complete pix class....but who carez...haha...they don't come itz up to them to decide...We are the next professional islamic banker..haha...my tudung lyke so big...but im used to it already..haha....itz call tudung bidang 60...why they call the tudung bidang 60 mybe becoz of the size...in my college we have to use a big tudung...i miss wearing the Brunei tudung..haha...i lyke the first pix...sooo coollll...informal pix...then after we finish taking pix me n my 3 other friends went to seremban mall..to go shopping..can't miss shopping..itz part of our rutine..haha..but not always...apparently i didn't buy anything...i don't know what to buy...must save money..haha...me n nabilah(Bruneian) wentto starbuck...we drink choclate cream...ooo soo yummy...nabilah actually order green tea but then we ask the cashier that we paid 'sekaligus'..haha...he thought that nabilah too order choclate,,he thought nabilah change her order...he don't understand what we said...yeaa people sumtime dont understand what we're talking about becoz we speak brunei language...but that time we speak eng..i think..haha..but then we said nevermind...just paid for it...but the cashier is kinda cute...haha...LOL!